ludumdare weekend jam 27 Day 2

Day two for us! the majority of the art is done. we have game over screens, results screen, tutorial screens and even managed to polish one or two assets. & decided on a game name with a suitably gory title banner to boot.

lol glitch

here’s a fun little glitch. the heart rate literally going through the roof. gotta love Faisal code. makes me wish the glitch theme was chosen for this gamejam.

shadetest-patientpatientpaintest patientdefib1test

more of beccas gorgeous illustrations/animations. seeing him get electrocuted never gets over steth

a somewhat sobering game over screen.folder results

the results screen. there’s some fancy behind the scenes code on this which will render the scores after the game.clipboard lol

and we have a huge array of clipboard quotes for every situation. a near death, a passable success and a job well done. mostly done in the pessimistic/narcissistic doctor style, ala doctor house and doctor cox.upto date ish

changed the background slightly, and remade the defib button to look more modern.title screen gore 2

title screen, there should be syringes in the machine but that’s for a later version. and yes, that’s a floating organ with our game name splashed across it. it drips blood in the final animation. only mildly happy with how this one came out, actually had a lot of revisions. it`s never good to get hung up on polish when the development time is only a weekend. regardless, all three of us are making fantastic progress! it`s a fun theme and we all enjoy the concept we`re working with 🙂

one more day to go! should have a video playthrough up in no time 😉

original ludumdare post here

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